Create a blog in 5 minutes using Hugo, GitHub Pages and Travis CI

June 4, 2018

Blog creation

Install Hugo

Official documentation outlines this step for many operating systems very well.

Create a site

Open command line and run

hugo new site blog

Initialize a git repository and create a first commit.

git init
git commit -m "create a site"

Add a theme

Hugo has a lots of themes. For example, I use Minimal

git submodule add themes/minimal

After installation, take a look at the exampleSite folder inside themes/minimal.

To get started, copy the config.toml file inside exampleSite to the root of your Hugo site.

In addition, I’d recommend to update the config according to your personal info such as email, github username and etc.

Create a post

hugo new post/

Start the hugo server and open your blog locally on http://localhost:1313.

hugo server

Publiching to GitHub Pages and continious delivery

Push your code to GitHub

Create a new repository on GitHub and push your local repository to the remote rerository. I have created blog repository.

Create a new repository with a special name I have created repository.

Configure Travis CI

Open Travis CI and go to the account page.

Travis CI: enable repository

Click on Sync account button. You blog repository should be displayed there.

Go to the GitHub developer setting page.

Travis CI: enable repository

Click on Generate new token button.

Travis CI: enable repository

Enter name for a new token, grant repo scope and click on Generate button.

Travis CI: enable repository

Copy the token.

Open Travis CI and go to the setting page of the build of your blog repository.

Travis CI: enable repository

Add a new environment variable GITGUB_TOKEN and paste the token from clipboard.

Add .travis.yml file to the root of the your blog repository.

sudo: true
dist: trusty

  - sudo apt-get --yes install snapd
  - sudo snap install hugo

  - /snap/bin/hugo

# Deploy to GitHub pages
  provider: pages   
  skip_cleanup: true  
  github_token: $GITHUB_TOKEN # Set GITHUB_TOKEN in settings dashboard
  local_dir: public
  repo: Anufriev/
  target_branch: master
    branch: master

Commit, push, wait a few minutes.

Open and enjoy!

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